Completed Projects

Company nameProject typeyear of production
Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation (IMIDRO)website designing and making 3D graphics items2007
Mobarakeh Steel CompanyF7 shelf animation and production stage designing2011
ZobahanEsfahan Steel companydesigning animation of Direct Reduction and blast furnace2010
MMTEDesigning animation of direct revival2012
IRITEC Co. Designing Graphics Reportage2013
Ehyaa Sepahan Industries & Mines Complex Co. Designing and Producing all 3D Graphics of complex2013
Atkins Co.Ghavamin Bank, Simulation of Musallah Tehran Project(Hajj and Pilgrimage org.).2012
Tehran MunicipalityDesigning and Producing Eram Amusement Park2010
Isfahan MunicipalityAnimation Design of Isfahan Metro Project2011
Hopkins PEI Co.Animation Design, combining Animation with Production Software2015
Black Golf Co.3D Modeling of the entertainment complex plan2014
CSC Integration Co.Global Health Animation, Sound bar co., and KAIROS Smart Watch2015
Rozland Complex Making a comprehensive film about the complex2012
Isfahan summit Hall3D designing of villas for international guests2012
New wood co.doors and sheets 3D teasers and product applications2022
Saderat Bank3D promotional teaser2013
Giti Pasand CoProduct performance 3D of Condensation package2011
Energy Companyheating and cooling product performance 3D2015
Tabriz Tile Co.placing 3D objects of products in virtual space2013
Saagiran commercial Comaking products and placing them in 3D space2012
Iran Broadcasting3D logo designing for channel No.5 and iFilm and 3D Episodes2009
Aseman Hotel Isfahanmaking a promotional teaser of the hotel2011
Matin Sang Spadanasimulation of film and animation2013
Saman Gostar Co.3D rendering of some part of the project2011
Wire industryprefabricated panel animation2012
Pars Hospitalmaking animation of Pars hospital and its all facilities2012
Rak ceramics factoryproduction process animation2007
Kian Plus CompanyMaking a 3D promotional teaser2007
Kavir Yazd carpetproduction process movie2009
Pardisan carpetpromotional teaser2009
Iran Sepehr carpetproduction process movie2013
Aria Transfer Co.interactive transformer designing through VR interactive method2023
Ehsankar Companyline production animation and designing 3D characters and teaser2021
Sapco Company3D system simulation of Dena plus2020
Stratusgc Co.3D level A teasers of luxury villas2021
RZ Companyprofessional and international Level A teasers for America and Europe game ranking2023
Verona Sanat Costone-cutting equipment production Co. 3D teaser.2024